9 März 2025
Laut Telemundo wurden 3 Puerto-Ricaner in Milwaukee festgenommen und in ein Einwanderungsgefängnis gebracht. Die Familienmitglieder – ein Kleinkind, seine Mutter und seine Großmutter – wurden nach Vorlage ihrer Ausweise, darunter Geburtsurkunden, freigelassen.
Der republikanische Senator Rick Scott forderte den brasilianischen Präsidenten Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva auf, „klarzustellen, dass Brasilien nicht als Schachfigur in Maduros kranken Spielen benutzt wird", angesichts seiner Drohung, mit brasilianischen Truppen in Puerto Rico einzumarschieren.
Gouverneur von Puerto Rico: Der venezolanische Diktator Maduro forderte eine Invasion Puerto Ricos, eine offene Bedrohung für die Vereinigten Staaten und unsere nationale Sicherheit. Ich habe einen Brief an Präsident @realDonaldTrump geschickt, im Vertrauen darauf, dass seine Regierung schnell reagieren und dem Maduro-Narkoregime klarmachen wird, dass die USA das Leben und die Souveränität der Amerikaner schützen und sich nicht vor kleinen, mörderischen Gangstern beugen werden.1 Monat zuvor
Gouverneur von Puerto Rico: Der venezolanische Diktator Maduro forderte eine Invasion Puerto Ricos, eine offene Bedrohung für die Vereinigten Staaten und unsere nationale Sicherheit. Ich habe einen Brief an Präsident @realDonaldTrump geschickt, im Vertrauen darauf, dass seine Regierung schnell reagieren und dem Maduro-Narkoregime klarmachen wird, dass die USA das Leben und die Souveränität der Amerikaner schützen und sich nicht vor kleinen, mörderischen Gangstern beugen werden.
Maduro sagt, Puerto Rico müsse militärisch von der US-Kontrolle befreit werden und die brasilianischen Streitkräfte sollten dies tun, während Lula im Amt ist.
2 Monat zuvor
Am frühen Dienstag war fast ganz Puerto Rico von einem Stromausfall betroffen. Die Behörden sagten, es könne bis zu zwei Tage dauern, bis die Stromversorgung wiederhergestellt sei. Fast 90 % der 1,47 Millionen Kunden in Puerto Rico saßen im Dunkeln. Es scheint, dass der Stromausfall durch den Ausfall einer unterirdischen Stromleitung verursacht wurde.
4 Monat zuvor
„Ihre Stimme und Ihre Wahl zählen. Und haben Sie keine Angst, die Menschen um Sie herum in Verlegenheit zu bringen", sagte Sängerin Jennifer Lopez, während sie sich auf ihre puertoricanische Herkunft berief und Kamala Harris als US-Präsidentin unterstützte.
7 Monat zuvor
Mann in Hotel in Ponce ermordet, Fall wurde um 2:30 Uhr morgens gemeldet
1 Jahr zuvor
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 5 km WSW of Guánica, Puerto Rico
2 Jahr zuvor
Fact: from January 1 of this year to March 9, some 500 forest fires have already been registered from Aguadilla to Ponce according to @NotiUno, the Fire Commissioner
Biden arrived in Ponce, Puerto Rico2 Jahr zuvor
Biden arrived in Ponce, Puerto Rico
"Full power restoration will take at least a couple days," replies @PressSec to questions about PuertoRico in wake of Hurricane Fiona
PuertoRico is seeing a moderate recovery in internet connectivity following yesterday's island-wide power blackout that knocked many users and networks offline during the approach of Hurricane Fiona; real-time metrics show connectivity at 50% of ordinary levels2 Jahr zuvor
PuertoRico is seeing a moderate recovery in internet connectivity following yesterday's island-wide power blackout that knocked many users and networks offline during the approach of Hurricane Fiona; real-time metrics show connectivity at 50% of ordinary levels
A compromised has been reached. Police chief and command staff will march in full uniform while others will march in casual attire. #pride parade
It's 10 pm here in NYC and police are at different stations following today's #shooting
A major power outage has knocked out internet connectivity across much of Puerto Rico; real-time network data show national connectivity down to ~54% of ordinary levels; incident comes amid reports of a fire at the Costa Sur power plant2 Jahr zuvor
A major power outage has knocked out internet connectivity across much of Puerto Rico; real-time network data show national connectivity down to ~54% of ordinary levels; incident comes amid reports of a fire at the Costa Sur power plant
3 Jahr zuvor
They arrest a "person of interest" for the murder of a woman in Caguas on Christmas Eve
3 Jahr zuvor
More than a ton of cocaine shipped to the NYC area from PuertoRico has been seized in the largest such drug bust in the region in over a decade, announces @DEANEWYORKDiv
Scheduled for today at 5:00 pm demonstration in front of Fortaleza against LUMA Energy after the energy crisis on the Island3 Jahr zuvor
Scheduled for today at 5:00 pm demonstration in front of Fortaleza against LUMA Energy after the energy crisis on the Island
The Police arrest Yabdiel González Torres, suspected of killing Gabriel Cruet Lebrón in Cayey. He was arrested for another case where the murder is completed. Pending to Noticentro3 Jahr zuvor
The Police arrest Yabdiel González Torres, suspected of killing Gabriel Cruet Lebrón in Cayey. He was arrested for another case where the murder is completed. Pending to Noticentro
Damaris Ortiz Rosario, 48, became the ninth woman killed last night in the middle of an incident of sexist violence. This new femicide occurred in Río Grande. Damaris' husband, Luis Rivera Matos, remains under arrest awaiting the filing of charges3 Jahr zuvor
Damaris Ortiz Rosario, 48, became the ninth woman killed last night in the middle of an incident of sexist violence. This new femicide occurred in Río Grande. Damaris' husband, Luis Rivera Matos, remains under arrest awaiting the filing of charges
3 Jahr zuvor
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 1 km NNW of La Parguera, Puerto Rico
"I believe that Puerto Rico residents should be able to receive SSI benefits, just like their fellow Americans in all 50 states and Washington D.C.," says ⁦@POTUS⁩ in statement
Several Dominicans arrived on the shores of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Ricans helped them. They were told to run, jump off the yola and hide among their group3 Jahr zuvor
Several Dominicans arrived on the shores of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Ricans helped them. They were told to run, jump off the yola and hide among their group
3 Jahr zuvor
The burned body of a missing Delaware man was found in Puerto Rico over the weekend. Police said the man was attacked after a crowd warned him not to take photos
CANCELED the ATM boat service to Culebra due to the aquatic demonstration of citizens of Culebra, who demand a better transportation service. So far, the police have arrested two protesters id Juan Juan and María, according to citizens3 Jahr zuvor
CANCELED the ATM boat service to Culebra due to the aquatic demonstration of citizens of Culebra, who demand a better transportation service. So far, the police have arrested two protesters id Juan Juan and María, according to citizens
Two people are arrested for controlled substances in Juana Díaz. One of the arrested allegedly pointed a firearm at the agents, who repelled said aggression3 Jahr zuvor
Two people are arrested for controlled substances in Juana Díaz. One of the arrested allegedly pointed a firearm at the agents, who repelled said aggression
[VIDEO] A driver managed to record tonight's shooting in Santurce, which so far has left four people injured. It is being investigated whether the murder of two people in Guaynabo is related.3 Jahr zuvor
[VIDEO] A driver managed to record tonight's shooting in Santurce, which so far has left four people injured. It is being investigated whether the murder of two people in Guaynabo is related.
4 Jahr zuvor
A 25-year-old woman is one of the new five fatalities of COVID19 in Puerto Rico
4 Jahr zuvor
Puerto Rico declares a state of emergency over its deep-rooted problem of violence against women, creating new measures that activists have demanded for years to battle a deadly tide
4 Jahr zuvor
Charges are filed against a man who shot at the Guayama Commandery. Six counts of attempted murder; a theft charge; one charge for flight and 8 charges for Arms Law